Guidebook under Construction
Alright, back.
After 24 hours, 6 glasses of wine, 5 arronidissements, 3 new contacts, 2 insults and a headache that just left my head (since the poluted air finally found a good balance in it), Paris is starting to feel like normal.
Looking at those split edges that in Stockholm looked Scandinavian, natural and shiny, I realize that a hair dresser needs to be seen, may it be on Boulevard de Belleville or not: Anything that used to look natural, pure and clueless last week, here rapidly gets drown over by a dirty guy on a scooter and remains a nordic dream.
Or as French ELLE recently wrote: "Chic, pratic nordic", hah, if they only knew...
Mais, ca va. It is 25 degrees and after having spent half of the day looking for a wifi café/library that is open, free and where the connection actually works - I realize that working from home is ideal .
At least for now, when you have a balcony and a lively street that offers baclava, dancing men and 2 kilos of almonds for 2.50. (As well as imported panties for 50 centimes)
It will be okay. This time as well.
A New Chapter:
This blog may change a bit in the near future. Considering the fact that not only one but three Paris guides are under contruction, one as a private book project and the two others ordered by aSwedish paper, the content on this blog will and should follow the work in progress.
I'll get back to that later, but what I am looking for is interaction!
I just recieved an email from this blond woman, partly based in Paris, always showing her best side in "La roulette Fortune" and recently in L'Arnacoeur. She will be in the, little less serious, chapter on French Love.
Have a question that you'd like me to ask her and include in the book? Post a comment below.
Thanks! Time to unpack.